Elena is a filmmaker whose works, spanning documentary, narrative and experimental films, have been exhibited and won prizes around the world. 

She creates films and videos, performances and play-installations. Her works are the fruit of complex co-creative processes maximising inventive storytelling through play and radical imagination. Elena is a queer and feminist activist and her productions - hybrid performance, audiovisual and research actions - work towards radical social and cultural change.

Elena has lived in Italy, Australia, Holland and Spain and is currently based between Livorno and Barcelona. She has extensive film industry experience, has long researched Playfulness in Film and Art as a PhD candidate (Sydney and Amsterdam, incomplete, 2015-2020)  and obtained a BA in Theatre Studies (Bologna, 1992), a Master in Performance Art and Public Space (Rome, 2021).


email: elenapachners@gmail.com

Instagram: @catalinasproject

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/elenapachners
