An ongoing project of dry-land synchronised swimming performances.
Colourful genderless dresses, face paint and other accessories combined with the improper use of synchronised swimming, produces a most desirable effect: liberation from social status. The PESCiE, free from age, gender or aspect requirements can and do swim anywhere. PESCiE are hybrid critters who have regained children bodies: intelligent, wilful, brave, funny, in play with others.
PESCiE fuor d’acqua (FISHiES out of water)
A street performance involving basic routines learned by illiterate bodies and passed-on to willing passers-by.
Premiered at Effetto Venezia, Livorno, 2020.
Pleimor - Sirene Mutande (Mutant Mermaids)
A pseudo-archeological lecture performance about the discovery of mermaid-like creatures descended on earth on a mission to spread queer happiness through dancing.
Premiered at Ex-Mattatoio, Roma, as part of the Performing Arts and Public Space Master, 2020.
Sirene Transmutande (Transmutant Mermaids)
Two Transqueer PESCiE animate and activate giant iron windchimes and the air around them.
Performed at the opening of Mark Titchner exhibition at Magazzini Generali, Livorno, 2023.